A little background on Ligia: Born in Romania, she moved to the USA as a child. After receiving her B.S. in Psychology from Ohio State University, Ligia had every intention of continuing on to graduate school. However, after getting married and moving to Nashville, she became aware of her obsession with graphic design and illustration. She attended Watkins College of Art, Design and Film where she beat out dozens of applicants for a coveted internship spot at ADG. During her time with us, she proved to be an excellent thinker, illustrator, and designer in a wide range of styles. Ligia enjoys illustrating stories, designing logos, dabbling in web design, and perfecting her southern drawl (much to the chagrin of her northerner friends).

The judges of the student Addy awards went nuts over the Ricola campaign. I personally love the Little Red Riding Hood illustration (top). Awesome.